The John Gokongwei School of Management (JGSOM) is a regionally recognized center of excellence and leadership in undergraduate business education. We shape our students into business leaders who are equipped to respond to the needs of tomorrow's world.
Young men and women who are global in perspective and interdisciplinary in approach, technically proficient and analytical yet humanistic and people oriented.
Achievers guided by a strong set of core values, eager and able to provide ethical and principle-centered leadership.
Young professionals and entrepreneurs motivated by the spirit of magis or excellence, inflamed by the passion to make a difference, wherever their lives may take them.
We contribute to the development of undergraduate business education in the country by offering innovative management programs that are responsive to the needs of a business community that must operate within a fast-changing and technology-driven world: Programs that are characterized by a strong liberal-arts core curriculum, coupled with a business curriculum that will give our students a broad-based perspective of the management challenge. Programs that combine the rigors of academic learning with experiential learning, to provide a much more student-centered experience.
We forge strategic partnerships and actively collaborate with business organizations and professional associations to influence management practice as well as national policy on business and economic affairs, thereby contributing to national economic development.
Young men and women who are global in perspective and interdisciplinary in approach, technically proficient and analytical yet humanistic and people oriented.
Achievers guided by a strong set of core values, eager and able to provide ethical and principle-centered leadership.
Young professionals and entrepreneurs motivated by the spirit of magis or excellence, inflamed by the passion to make a difference, wherever their lives may take them.
We contribute to the development of undergraduate business education in the country by offering innovative management programs that are responsive to the needs of a business community that must operate within a fast-changing and technology-driven world: Programs that are characterized by a strong liberal-arts core curriculum, coupled with a business curriculum that will give our students a broad-based perspective of the management challenge. Programs that combine the rigors of academic learning with experiential learning, to provide a much more student-centered experience.
We forge strategic partnerships and actively collaborate with business organizations and professional associations to influence management practice as well as national policy on business and economic affairs, thereby contributing to national economic development.